Monday, December 6, 2010


Oh my freakin god. On Friday night I went to see this great band. They are so cool. It was so freakin awesome. I didn't know much about them but lots of people said they were really really cool and they were really cool. They were called the B-50U2's and they rocked!
When I got to the concert there was a rapper rapping. I didn't know who he was but I think he might have been the guy from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air who made that country and western swinger cry when his wife Beyonce didn't win the award for best black and white music video. I love that song Black and White by Michael Jackson. It was so sad when he died and I cried and cried cause he was such a good dancer and did you know his brother Randy is one of the judges on American Idol? Wow. Imagine if your name was Randy and every time someone asked you what your name was you'd have to say 'I'm Randy' and then everyone would think you were randy even if you weren't. LOL!

Here's a photo of him doing one of his raps.

The Fresh Prince kept telling everybody to put their hands in the air and everyone did it. I did it as well but I was sitting miles away so he probably didn't see me. I was hoping he'd do that song that I really like from that film where him and Pamela Anderson's ex hunt down black men from other planets but he didn't. He did do some song about New York that everyone seemed to know which was kinda cool but I hadn't heard it before so I went and got a Woody to get wasted.

Man, I was getting so excited now. They had this crazy clock that I thought was counting down to when The B-50U2's were gonna come on but every time I looked at it the time was different. I thought I was soooooo wasted and I hadn't even finished my first Woody. Crazy huh!?????

It wasn't even 8.30pm!!!!!!!

Then they finally walked on stage. Everyone was screaming real loud and so was I. I was sitting right behind the stage so I saw them walking on first so I was screaming way before everyone else which was cool although heaps of people were probably thinking why is that dork screaming but then they saw the band and were real jealous cause I saw them first.
Fred, Kate Cindy and Keith walking on stage. HOLLLLLLAAAA!!!!

I was sure they were gonna start with Love Shack cause that would really get the party started but they played another song I'd never heard that sounded a bit like that song by A-Ha called The Sun Always Shines On TV. A-Ha are so cool. They are from Norway and their lead singer is real dishy, especially in that video where he pulls from inside a comic book. I used to try so hard to sing the high bit from that song. I could never get it but man, I sure tried! LMFAO!

Anyway, here's some close-ups of the band.
This is the drummer. He's real old but he's still a dish. His name is Keith although everyone kept calling him Larry which is probably why he looked real grumpy all the time. Man, the B-50U2's have been together forever so you'd think they'd be able to remember each other's names wouldn't you? Maybe it's cause of the drugs and stuff.
This is Fred Schneider and I think that's Cindy Wilson behind him but it's kinda hard to tell. Both Cindy and Kate looked real different from their music videos and neither of them sang and one of them had changed her name to Madge. They played a song called I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For which I think was a new version of Roam. I didn't like it as much but I was onto my fourth Woody so I didn't care!!!!! Then things went ouuttta control. First, the big screen got real big.
Then they switched on TWO mirror-balls!!!!!!
It was so pretty and Fred sang into this microphone that looked like one of those things Shaun Connery looked into in that film The Hunt for Red October that also starred Sam Neal who I think is a Kiwi. GO SAM!!!!  The funny thing was Fred even sounded a bit like Shaun Connery when he spoke. How weird is that??? Maybe he comes from Georgia as well? They played this funny video with Bill Cosby in it and then they sang a song called 'One' which was nice although I'd never heard it before. Man, I was real smashed by now and I was a bit gutted cause they still hadn't played Channel Z or Rock Lobster and I really needed to go for a pee. I held on as long as I could and then ran to the toilets and when I came back everyone was holding their phones up cause the reception must have been real bad. Man Vodafone...SORT IT OUT!!!!
They finished with another new song I hadn't heard called With or Without You so they must have played Channel Z, Rock Lobster and that one they did with the guy from RAM while I was in the toilet. JMFL!!!!

Still, had the best time. I could hardly walk when it finished and spewed on the train back to Sunshine. When I got home I downloaded all the songs I'd missed from Limewire and turned them up real loud and tried to dance while cracking another Woody and sprayed it everywhere. LOL!

Really wish you were there.

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